Archive for June, 2011

Arizona – 25 June
Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Today we explored a chunk of Arizona’s southeast, and discovered some interesting places that were not flat, brown, or covered in tarmac. First off we headed on down to the Mexican border town of Nogales, where you can see right across the fence to the where the huddled masses… huddle. It was quire a bizarre […]

Arizona – 23 June
Friday, June 24th, 2011

Finished with our inductions, and we are headed out of town for the first time to San Ignacio, 35 miles south, where we will be staying for the long haul. The urban sprawl gives way to low desert scrub, brown and dry. About 15 miles into the journey evidence of mining looms up to our […]

Arizona – 21 June
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

The strip malls, parking lots and fast food franchises spread for miles. Tarmac stretches from horizon to horizon, crisscrossed with pickup trucks and SUVs. I am not sure where the people come from to support this level of retail redundancy. There are no houses in this part of town, but every corner sports a cookie-cutter […]

Arizona – 20 June
Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

From the air, it is clear that this place is still very much the wild west in some senses. The small farming belts are dwarfed by the immensity of the open desert in between. Aside from the occasional vertebral protrusion of a hard rock mountain range, it is flat, and the roads stretch for miles […]